2002-7-26 Cologne
Arrived in Cologne around 9pm and went to the restaurant that Jana works at. Mmm Crepes and affordable beer, (a pleasant change from Scandanavia!) which I indulged on heavily. Became an expensive meal, but only because of the sheer quantity that I consumed. Was quite buzzed when we left.
The next day we had a nice lazy breakfast and were about ready to leave at noon. That is when we discovered a coolant line leak. ADAC came and were delayed four hours. Had a nice lunch of Roesti that the Lichtensteiners gave us. Managed to get back onto the road and not have to stay for dinner.
2002-7-30 Konstanz
Made a short break down with Tante Hannelore and Onkel Ottmar to the A-Haus near the Bodensee. This allowed us to make a quick daytrip to Switzerland. I hadn’t been there for some seven years or so (not counting the time I passed through, while asleep on a hellish night train from Dijon to Milan!) This trip of course required a stamp in the passport, which took the border guards a bit by surprise, since they normally just wave people through. Then it was off to an expensive bit of shopping at Migros, before returning to the comfortable little house.
2002-08-04 Stuttgart
Went up with Volkmar to Solitude and listened to one half of Yo in Trouble play "1986." The evening went on from there with songs echoing of the curved walls beneath the Schloss. Thomas brought a mini-disc recorder with him, so all of our playing was captured, as well as the drunken comments of the audience that we attracted. Live performances really are something to enjoy.