Oslo 2002-7-16
We made it too Kiel just in
time. And once we boarded the
ferry, we could relax. The boat
was big, but not too big. We had
airplane seats, which were the last spaces available, and the sort of thing I
am quite used to sleeping on, although Volkmar would have much preferred a
At Oslo, hunger took Volkmar to
a McDonalds. A 6 Euro Hamburger
later, Volkmar wasnÕt hungry but resolute to be more frugal with expensive
Norwegian food. We stopped by the
tourist information centre to get maps and info on Campsite. I asked about the national parks, and
was told that protected areas are completely closed to the public. Unfortunately, Ōtourists, mostly
Germans, come up here with their big camper vans and leave their shit all
about.Õ But not us of courseÉour
English is too good. And so we
left to our VW Bus filled with groceries from Lidl.
Bergen 2002-7-18
Pizza Margherita at a bar near
the Highway. $25!!!
After a couple nights in the
beautiful valleys and fjords further north, we finally made it to Bergen. It was very nice, although it wasnÕt
going to win me away from Vancouver as I might have once thought, it was a
beautiful day. VolkmarÕs Berkley
t-shirt (see Road Trip 2000) got us noticed by an American ex-pat, who seemed
quite content to stay in Norway.
Karlstad 2002-7-20
Well we crossed into Sweden and
despite pulling over in the pouring rain to try and find someone to stamp my
passport (we were re-entering the EU) the Customs house said that they didnÕt
do that, and that we would have to go to the police station. We found a camp site that was perfect,
not fjordy, but just like Ontario wilderness. The lake was a disturbing yellow and remarkably warm. The swimming was fabulous even if we
couldnÕt explain the water. In the
morning we headed to Karlstad to try and find a place to fill up our propane
tank. We stopped at countless gas
stations and equipment suppliers, but after three hours of driving through the
incredibly American suburbs of the city we managed to fill the tank.