Photos and Whatever Else is Here
Photo Albums

Okay, I have the original album still up. But here are a couple photos from Keele, just in case you were wondering what it looks like. The new images are a little brighter, but since they are jpegs, they are still a bit grainy. Click on an image below for the link.

More photos, less clickable images.
More Photos Up now
Even More Photos Up even nower
Additional Keele Photos Seems so far away now, but still...
More Photos From the Second Half of Year 2000
...Photos... Spring 2001 at UBC
Images Photos from the Portugal Trip
Pictures The pre-graduation trip to Peru
Les Photos de UQAC En Français
2001 August and everything after
Start of 2002 Winter-Spring
Summer of 2002 The summer, obviously
Autumn of 2002 The Fall, slightly less obviously
Spring of 2003 After the Fall (and the Winter...)
Summer of 2003 Summer!
Falling into Winter 2003 Another semester in Vancouver (and a few other places)
A Full Spring (Durch Technik) The Spring of 2004
The Last Big Summer It was a big one
Onwards into Autumn The usual stomping grounds
Springing into 2005 Another semester in B.C.
Summer of 2005 Working in Vancouver
Into Autum of 2006 Vancouver and beyond
Spring 2006 Pictures!
Summer 2006 More Pictures!